Okay, I will post an update from work here...don't know how it will go...never know when those annoying tones will go off. :-) So, what shall I post about at 0248? :-D Hmm...well, earlier tonight I was talking with my partner about EMS in general and thinking about what a cool job I really have! Of course I have those "bad" days like everyone, where no matter what job I had I would be annoyed...but in reality I have a pretty cool, mostly fun job! That is GREAT! I really like what I do, and that is such a blessing to be able to have something like that for my job!
Speaking of jobs we have had a few interesting things happen lately...
Stopped out behind a disabled vehicle broken down in a construction zone on the interstate. While we were parked behind them to keep traffic from hitting them (they were unable to get off the road) a truck managed to careen past us (why he was going at least 70 mph in a construction zone AND while passing a stopped emergency vehicle is yet to be determined, though characteristic of Greenvillians!) and then it proceeded to totally lose control and CRASH right in front of us. It was one of those "happens so fast, yet in slow motion, oh my goodness I can't believe this is happening but I know it is, wow this is COOL!" moments! :-) Sorry, you might have to be in emergency services to understand...Anyway, it was pretty incredible to see! The poor people we had stopped out to help, she freaked out and started crying...he started screaming "no! No! NO!" but I was thinking to myself...buddy, don't waste your breath, it is going to happen, there is NOTHING we can do about it. I will try to post a picture later, when I am at home and have access to them. Anyway, ends up no one was hurt to speak of, in spite of the truck flipping up onto the concrete barrier. PRETTY INCREDIBLE!
Had one of the most legit psych patients I have ever had. WOW! Totally off the wall, random, not in touch with reality at all! Actually somewhat humorous, yet at the same time sorta' sad. I thank God for my sound mind. (Okay, no comment!) :-)
Tonight when we got to work we had a message to call FD. They were making baked spaghetti for dinner and wanted to invite us over. It was really good! Thanks C shift!
I spent my day at home (before work) changing out the bad bulbs in my headlight and taillight on the Trooper. Then I tried to thoroughly clean out the Celebrity and LeBaron so they would look nicer to sell. Uhm...anyone know how to get the top of a convertible back up after it decides not to work anymore? (Jason, I hate to disappoint you, but I never did ride with the top down...and I think I am glad, as now I can't get it back up. Stupid convertible! they really are not a useful car at all!) Anyway, I shall buy a tarp at Wal-Mart on the way home in the morning...that way it might not get rained on. I am beginning to think the cheapest way to get rid of the car may be to send it to the junk yard! :-) Hmmm...if I could only get the top back up, I would love to tear the car apart myself...for extrication training! (No vengeance at all!) ;-)
I think I have a busy week coming up...I have a couple of trainings to go to, and a parade in Columbia for EMS Week.
I have some pics from the Firefighter's FunFest last weekend that I will post later, as well as some from our EMS BBQ.
Well, I am getting tired...lullaby and good night! :-p ZZZZzzzz.....