Various thoughts...
Well, the birds seem to have taken a liking to the free food. I really need to get that bird ID book I have been thinking about. Anyway, I have seen quite a few at the cedar feeder and the hummingbird comes by occasionally. Actually, he likes to come when I am taking Shadow out...and then he swoops around the corner only to see us and freaks we are trying to remember to go farther away from the feeder for her to take care of herself.
I had a full day today...had to get up early for that fitness testing stuff. They said I checked out okay... ;-) The guy giving the TB tests seemed to have a little difficulty giving me mine, as he ended up sticking me multiple times and at one point all the vaccine was dripped all over my arm and not in the "little bubble" it is supposed to create. So then he had to get a new needle and start all over again. 8-P Other than multiple "track" marks on my arm, I am none the worse for the wear. :-)
Then later in the morning I had an orthodontist appointment. This was a follow up to the initial "let us look at you and see what we think" visit. This is the visit where they tell you what they think. ;-) So anyway to try to put it concisely, they recommend that I
1. Have all 4 of my wisdom teeth removed. "No big deal, they are erupted, so it should be fairly easy."
- these are not direct quotes, but paraphrasing and interpreting
2. Have a temporary splint made that will help ease some of the constant tension on my jaws.
- temporary? why? well, because the rest should probably wait until we see if and how much insurance will cover! yep, you knew that catch was coming! ;-)
3. Have braces for several months to year + to get my teeth in alignment for the next phase...
- patience, the big news is coming...
4. Have jaw surgery to "fix" my upper and possibly lower jaw.
- okay, there is some hugemous fancy name for it, but I cannot recollect it at the moment...apparently I have had a bony "defect" in my jaw since ??? anyway, one side is longer than the is significant enough that I picked it out on the x-rays before he even got to saying it...anyway, this causes me to "compensate" for my teeth not aligning correctly (because it is impossible for them to) every time I bite, chew, swallow etc...consequently this causes constant strain and tension on my jaw muscles...and this could be a significant source of at least some of my constant headaches.
5. Continue treatment in braces for several months to finish up "detail" work on my teeth.
Then at this point I should not only have teeth that align correctly, but a jaw that does as well. While he cannot "guarantee" that this will help with my headaches, he is pretty sure it should help with at least some. From start to finish this will take an estimated 24 - 32 months...but we cannot really start until we get the word from the insurance.
The blessings are that
1. the oral surgery should be able to be covered under my major medical insurance, which covers more than my dental.
2. I am provided dental coverage through work.
3. I believe my dental coverage includes some orthodontics. (I do not have my fine print book to look at this moment, but before I even went the first time I tried to read up on it and I believe I have at least some coverage. So, until I learn otherwise, I will count that as a blessing.)
The prayer requests are
1. wisdom concerning all the aspects and decisions that I must make regarding this.
2. The financial needs involved.
3. That it would totally get rid of my headaches.
At this point I am thinking I will progress this direction as far and long as the Lord lets me. I have often prayed for answers to my headaches and thought I would pay anything I could to get rid of them. Even if this only reduces them by! that would be incredible! (I take something, usually OTC, for some degree of a headache just about every day.)
Well, seems like I was about to type something else about this...and it totally slipped my mind...Oh yeah...I go for my consult with the oral surgeon next Thursday, so would appreciate your prayers as he reviews my "case" before I get there and your prayers as we meet. Thanks.
Other than that, not much happened today. ;-) I am currently at work...figure I better start saving up the OT again...Whew! ;-) I think I will go try to catch a nap...hope I didn't just jinx us. :-P